This Month’s Writing Tip: Enjoying the “Process”

I recently saw an interview with the cast of a Quentin Tarantino movie with the actors saying they celebrated regularly throughout the whole filmmaking process, and not just at the end. Apparently Tarantino subscribes to the belief that if you are involved in a creative pursuit, you should enjoy all of the process not just the “red carpet” bit at …


The Biggest Thing Standing Between You and Writer Success

Okay, you got me. There are actually many variables that determine whether you succeed as a writer – not just one thing. If there was an exact magic formula there wouldn’t be a need for anyone to blog about this stuff…but…there is, in fact, one critical factor that determines just how good you get as a writer. And that one …

Author marketing

Brand & Marketing Myths Every (Aspiring) Author Needs to Know

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an (aspiring) author in possession of a book (idea) to sell, must be in want of an author brand or platform.” I’ve taken some liberty with Jane Austen’s words but I’m sure she would have agreed with the sentiment. Jane Austen lived at a time when books by women were usually published anonymously. …

Editing Your Novel

Need to Edit Your Novel? Here’s How to Do It

So you have finished your novel. First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Finishing that first draft of your novel is no mean feat. But while it may be tempting to send it off to an agent or publisher right now, your novel isn’t likely to be ready. The stark reality of first drafts, is that they are drafts, which means they inevitably need …

Just When You Think You Can’t…Ganbatte

Writing a novel may be hard work but it’s nothing compared to the gruelling task of editing…at least that’s my experience. You see it’s possible to get on with the task of drafting a novel, even on days when the muse doesn’t show up, you can just keep at it. If you just write, the words slowly add up and eventually …

Content Marketing Stats
Blog writing process

The Big Bad Truth about Blogging and Content Marketing and Why Your Business Should care

Content marketing and blogging remains one of the most effective marketing strategies for businesses. Your online content has never mattered more. In fact it REALLY matters. The Content Marketing Institute cites numerous studies that show: Small businesses with blogs get 126% more leads than businesses without blogs. 77% of internet users read blogs. 61% of consumers have made a purchase based …

Top 5 sci-fi and fantasy couples

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this week, I wanted to go with my top 5 couples of sci-fi and fantasy. 1. Han Solo and Princess Leia, Star Wars So yeah, a little predictable, but I’m a sucker for this love-hate relationship. One of my favourite lines from Han Solo: ‘Look, I ain’t in this for your revolution, and I’m …

The longhand experiment – saying goodbye to distractions

I sat down three times this week to write this blog. Three times. Each of which was unsuccessful. The problem is that every time I sat down at the computer, I found something more urgent or more tempting to devote my time to. Whether it’s emails, funny cat videos or a seemingly important business matter that comes to your attention, …

writing process

13 tips for writing and editing your first novel

I’ve earned a living as a professional writer for more years than I care to admit. I can pump out 1,000 words on almost any topic and edit them to a professional standard, well before the boss screams down the phone ‘one minute till deadline’. That might sound like a bit of a brag-fest, but it’s not meant to be. …