Let’s hug!
Yesterday I went to a client meeting with the committee members of a local community organisation.
I’d never met this group before and went through the introductions, “Hi I’m such and such nice to meet you” friendly handshake, “Hi I’m such and such nice to meet you” friendly handshake, and then…”I do hugs.”
Before I had a chance to even register whether this was strange, welcome, creepy or not, the matured aged man had enveloped me in his arms in a hug.
He was obviously a seasoned hugger because let me tell you there was nothing weird or inappropriate about it. It was an AWESOME hug!
Even better I got one again when I left the meeting. BEST meeting ever.
Now some people may not be into hugs, which is completely fine, but let me tell you hugs feel good!!!!
So here are some inspirational pix to get us all out there hugging it out x
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