Why you don’t want people to go to your website
When it comes to online marketing many of us spend a lot of time trying to drive traffic to our website, but I’m here to tell you how to stop people going to your website.
Now that’s just crazy talk right?
What I want to talk about today is the world of landing pages.
From an online marketing perspective when we say landing pages we are talking about stand alone web pages that have no relation to your main website.
They don’t have global menus for you to get back to your home page, they are simple, single pages with one simple objective – get your target market to do something.
Let’s call it for a moment a ‘call to action’ page.
Say you want people to download an e-book, book an appointment or sign-up to a webinar, free trial, or notify them of a launch (just choose the one objective), then that’s the ONLY thing you want them to do.
You want them to input their email details and sign-up or purchase, nothing else. You don’t want them being distracted by any shiny new objects or be drawn off to a social media link or back to your home page.
If this is you, and you need higher conversion rates, then you should consider landing pages.
The clever folks over at Unbounce have some great articles on landing pages and how to create effective pages. They explain that the main reason for using landing pages is “to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended conversion goal”.
Unbounce describe two different landing pages, Click Through and Lead Generation.
Click through landing pages “can be used to describe a product or offer in sufficient detail so as to ‘warm up’ a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a purchasing decision”.
Lead generation pages are used to capture information such as a name and email address so you can market directly to them later. It may include a form – perhaps with just an ‘email address’ field (the less the fields the better) and details of what they will get for providing their details. Do however make sure you are adhering to your local privacy and anti-spam laws when you do go ahead and use the details provided.
There are heaps of services that provide landing pages, some are heavily optimised to increase conversion rates and SEO, some are more simple.
Leadpages is one paid option service that offers highly customisable templates and integration with other platforms such as CRMs and social media.
WordPress also has plugins allowing you to create landing pages by yourself on your WordPress site.
If you are interested in setting up landing pages, speak to your web developer or do some online research on your options. WordPress has loads of landing page plugins ranging from free to premium ones.
And make sure the content on your landing page has a clear call to action and is persuasive.
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